Our Story

The cross at the center of our logo above represents the sacrificial death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, God's unique and only begotten Son. The purpose of New Creation Life Ministry is to equip believers for their individual works of service to the end that the Church is edified and transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ, causing wholeness in spirit, soul and body

(I Thessalonians 5:23). 

New Creation Life

We are a Christian Ministry that believes the Bible is inspired by God and is practical to every area of your life. Jesus Christ at the cross made His believers a new creation, making available a radically new kind of life.

This new creation life is walking in freedom and the light of life, and not the dark, destructive enslavements of fear, depression, bitterness, hopelessness, addictions, etc.

Our emphasis is teaching people how to understand the Bible so they can enter into a deep, fulfilling, personal relationship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. God and Jesus Christ are to be experienced spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

We believe in ministering to the whole person: spirit, soul and body. The Bible, in I Thessalonians 5:23, instructs us that God's will is that our spirit, soul and body are to be preserved whole, until the coming again of Jesus Christ for His people. 

At New Creation Life, you will learn many of the spiritual and physical roots of bondage, whether mental, emotional or physical, and how God wills to deliver, heal and to make us whole. The more Christians become whole, the more they can love and serve their God and their neighbor. This is the true meaning and purpose of life. 

Our vision and commitment at New Creation Life is that the Bible will come alive for you with life-changing impact. If you are hungry, you will be challenged and convicted with life-altering truths from the Bible. If you are seeking a deeper, more practical transformed relationship with God and Jesus Christ, we are devoted to this mission. We want to spiritually serve you so that you can fulfill your destiny on earth.

Our Sunday service starts at 10:30 am. Feel free to dress casually--our focus is on the inner man, not the outer man.

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